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Rome - The Vatican Museums

Our second day took us to the Vatican, a land-locked country within the city of Rome. This is the headquarters of the international Catholic church and the official residence of Pope Francis. This complex includes St. Peter's Church, with countless masterpieces of art and the Sistine Chapel, with its ceiling painted by Michelangelo. Here are just a few of our photos. Row 1: Long lines wait to enter St. Peter's, Bernini's Canopy, Interior Dome. Row 2: Monument to Pope Pius VIII, [Bernini], Sistine Chapel ceiling. Row 3: Pieta,  Laocoon and His Sons.

Rome - Ancient Rome 

On Day 3, our group spent the morning walking through the remains of Ancient Rome. The photos below show the Colosseum (outside & inside); the Pantheon (outside & inside); and the ruins of the Forum.  Also pictured is a street plate bearing the initials S.P.Q.R., a classical Latin abbreviation for "the Senate and People of Rome."

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